Wednesday, May 16, 2012


There are only few ways of surviving the butterfly effect, and those ways are to go back in time, let the chaos happen, and make a change. . (143 characters)

Six Word Slant:
Butterfly effect, surviving the coming chaos.


There are only few ways of surviving the butterfly effect, and those ways are to go back in time, let the chaos happen, and make a change. The butterfly effect will happen no matter what happens, but change can be made to the change. In order for the change to happen, events have to happen in a certain time and in a certain place. What is the butterfly effect is a question that one may ask. The butterfly effect is a cumulatively large effect that a very small natural force may produce over a period of time, like a butterfly flapping its wings near a flower in China to cause a hurricane in the Caribbean. Yes, the idea of butterflies causing hurricanes is quite ferine, but it is possible.

One of the more complicated ways of surviving the butterfly effect is to go back in time and change the event that happened. If one were to go back in time that would change the present as much as the past. If someone were to make a shift in the time by ¼ second as Marc Perkel, the author of ‘The Butterfly Effect, Chaos”, says that everything that happens effects what will come and what is to happen.  In a simulation if a ¼ sift is made the number of accidents stays the same but the people change in the accidents, those who had near misses are killed and those who were killed have near misses. “What if we could go back in time and ring the doorbell 10 seconds before Hitler was conceived? What would the world be like? If Hitler had not been born – the Earth would still circle the sun and the moon would still circle the Earth. None of that would change. But the people who live here would change. In fact- every single person on this planet- except for maybe a few very old people – would not exist. Yes – there would be people here- but they would all be different people.”  In the movie Back to the Future the main character Marty goes back into the past and introduces his parents, and makes his father seem a lot tougher than what he really is, changing what his reality is into a new reality.

Chaos is not what most people actually think it is. Chaos changes the system; actually the meaning of chaos is a change or break down in the old system. If chaos is allowed to continue on as it would if left alone then everything would be just fine. The sun would still be the center of the solar system; the moon would still circle the earth; the earth would still circle the sun. Everything affects the future. Someone simply sneezing would affect the future of mankind. That sneeze could be the cause of the next plague and wipe out the entire human race, or not. In order to find out one must just let the chaos go on and hope to survive. In Call of the Wild, Buck let his chaos go on, and he was able to survive, they still talk about him today. He just went back to his primordial beast.

We all have free will, believes Marc Perkel, writer of "The Butterfly Effect Chaos - Sensitive Dependence on Initial Condition - Effect on the Future - Free Will - Time Travel." With that free will a change could be made to the change that made the great changes. “In order to make the change at the right time you have to have good timing” states Rudolf Melik.  With proper timing one could make a change to turn the whole world upside down, or right side up. Changes and timing help each other because if the change is not made at the right time the effects could end up being unwonted results. Now the change that needs to be made could be arduous, but then again it may not be.

Hopefully I have not been too inarticulate, and that in the future my readers will be able to help us all when the time comes to save the world. Maybe by then time travel will be possible and will make the quest simpler for those going back but be careful to not be too superfluous. Do not get too carried away or everything might change to where this paper was never written. Be careful when we need to be saved. Put some thought into this. This paper may save you one day. No one knows when chaos will hit.
Works Cited:
London, Jack, and Paul Moliken. The Call of the Wild, and To Build a Fire. Clayton, DE: Prestwick House, 2010. Print.
Melik, Rudolf. "The Butterfly Effect in Project Management - How to Make Disciplined Decisions in Project-based Organizations." PSVillage. 26 Oct. 2011. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.
Perkel, Marc. "The Butterfly EffectChaos - Sensitive Dependence on Initial Condition - Effect on the Future - Free Will - Time Travel." Butterfly Effect. Dec. 2011. Web. 14 May 2012. <>.

Monday, April 30, 2012


James, the squirrel, was unsure of what was to come of him in the following winter
He knew it would be burmal
How often he would wonder what would happen if he didn't go out and collect nuts
He knew that if he went out much after the first snow that there would be now hiding due to the great...
Difference in the color between his fur and the snow's brilliant whiteness.
His neighbor knew he would not last the winter to come
They knew of his laziness.
They were morose for him
James had brought them great laughs
So there would be great sorrow for him.

Responsibility of the loss of life and zeal to survive

The responsibility of the cost of life should be held highly. Life is a great thing one should be proud to be alive. If you take your life you have lost the zeal to survive. Everyone has the responsibility of the lives they come in contact with. The zeal to survive shouldn't be just about your survival you should want everyone to survive along with you.

Such as the Titanic, the men driving the ship are very responsible for the lives lost on April 15th, 1912. The caption of the great ship should not have had his men making the ship go as fast as it could. Because if it had gone considerably slower they would have had time to avoid the ice burg. And then the makers of Titanic should not have claimed that God couldn't sink the ship. God was just being ironic by putting that ice burg there and sinking the ship.

In The Call Of The Wild the zeal to survive the ferine unknown that the dogs were thrown into should not have effected the way they saw each other. It should not have told them that they had to kill each other in order to survive.

Monday, February 13, 2012

My Thoughts about Frankenstine.

My 3B English 11 class is about to start Frankenstein, I have previously read Frankenstein so my judgment will be bias.

Mary Shelley wrote this book at nineteen, which is amazing for her time and ours. Women back then didn't really write books, and when they did they wrote about feminine things. Now in our time that dosen't even seem possible.

Men do not have the right to create life its not our job to do so. Its God's job.

I would like to think that it is possiable to belive in the sorcer's stone, but unfortunatully I do not.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Don't Create life

If I, Elizabeth Marie Stacy, had the power and the choice to create life as Dr. Frankenstein had, I wouldn't have had created life.

It is simply not my place to do so, creating life the way Frankenstein had was his mistake, if he had just left the life creating to God, his life wouldn't have been so bad. Or if he wanted to create something, and if his creation just had to have been life, he could have waited and then get his wife pregnant... But then the monster kills her. Frankenstein's other mistake... Why couldn't he make the monster a lady friend? Maybe then the monster wouldn't have been as mean and destructive.

People often play the monster off as the bad guy, but what did he do? It wasn't his fault. It was the great doctor's. He should have taught the monster... But who would want to do that?

And that's why I wouldn't have created life. Because its not my place to do so and because I don't want to be responible for what the monster distroys.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 Theme Word

I chose the word help for the new year. If I can use this word to help me become a better person it would be great. I could use the word to be nicer to other people or I could get help from others.

I want to be nicer to other people this year, being nicer actually is one of my new years resolutions, if I help my fellow people that resolution would succed, wich would be nice.

I also have found that I am not egear to recive help from someone if they offer it. I honestly think I need to work on that skill as well.